
Showing posts from July, 2014

Ebola Virus: No Nigerian Infected

Nigerian citizens have been advised not to panic over the case of Ebola Virus in the most densely occupied city in the country. Addressing a joint press briefing, the Commissioner for health, Dr Jide Idris confirmed that there had only been one case of imported ebola resulting in the death of a Liberian diplomat in Lagos. Dr Idris also added that part of the measures taken after the death of the Liberian was the demobilization of the private hospital where he was admitted and elimination of primary source of infection. In Sierra Leone Sheik Umar Khan has been confirmed dead on tuesday afternoon by officials. The virologist was credited with treating more than 100 patients at the hospital in Kenema - one of the world’s leading Ebola diagnosis facilities. The current outbreak is the largest in history, so far killing more than 672 people across West Africa since the outbreak began in February, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Nations affected include Sierra Leone, Lib...

Siri vs. Cortana - Happy Anniversary (Commercial)

Microsoft decides to get back at apple with Cortana. I have to say that am really impressed with Microsoft. Cortana is an Intelligent Personal Assistant on the Windows 8.1 OS.

Film Review: "LUCY"

When a boyfriend tricks Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) into delivering a briefcase to a supposed business contact, the once-carefree student is abducted by thugs who intend to turn her into a drug mule. She is surgically implanted with a package containing a powerful chemical, but it leaks into her system, giving her superhuman abilities, including telekinesis and telepathy. With her former captors in pursuit, Lucy seeks out a neurologist (Morgan Freeman), who she hopes will be able to help her. Release Date: July 25, 2014 Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeeman Director: Luc Besson