Liberian President declares State of Emergency to Contain the Ebola Pandemic

Presently, the united states ordered the relatives of its embassy employees as the country is struggling to contain ebola epidermic.

Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, are fighting the spread of this virus. According to the World Health Organisation, 932 people have been killed by the virus.
Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has declared a state of emergency. She said "The health care system in the country is now under  immense strain and the Ebola epidemic is having a chilling effect on overall health care delivery."
She also said "The scope and scale of the epidemic, the virulence and deadliness of the virus now exceed the capacity and statutory responsibility of any one government agency or ministry."
In conclusion of her speech, she declared a 90-day state of emergency effective as of 6th of August 2014.


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